
“‘My Kingdom is not of this world,’ said Jesus.  ‘If My kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I wouldn’t be handed over to the Jews.  But as it is, My kingdom is not from here.’

‘You are a king then?’ Pilate asked.

‘You say that I am a king,’ Jesus replied. ‘I was born for this, and have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.’

‘What is truth?’ said Pilate.”

John 18:36-38

An important conversation took place between Pilate and Jesus when the Jews took Jesus to Pilate.  The conversation was not long at all and was an inquiry by Pilate to who and what Jesus was.  Several important things were revealed in the conversation.

Jesus was accused by the Jews of usurping Pilate’s authority in being a self-proclaimed king of the Jews.  Pilate asked Jesus about this and Jesus clearly stated that His kingdom is not of this world and did not originate in the world.  It is essential to understand that Jesus’ kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that originates in God. Yet Jesus’ kingdom is active in this world through the citizens of His kingdom, the believers who follow Jesus in obedience.  But His kingdom is not like any worldly kingdom.

Pilate hears that Jesus is a king, so he responds with a question to affirm what he heard Jesus say, he just missed the significance of His kingdom.  We can often hear God’s Word and derive what we want to hear in our context as opposed to what God may be saying from His context to us.  We must always do our best to hear God’s Word from Him as he desires for it to be heard.  Otherwise we might hear incorrectly.

Yes, Jesus was a King, but over a different kind of kingdom.  Jesus came to the earth for this, to be a different kind of king, not in authority to be served but as a servant king to sacrifice himself for people to become a part of His kingdom. 

Jesus came to the world to testify to the truth.  Jesus is truth revealed and defined.  Truth can set one free from the bondage and reign of sin, truth brings life abundant and eternal, truth leads the way in Jesus’ kingdom.  Truth is absolute and established by God.  Truth is the basis for faith, hope, and love.  Truth enables peace.  Truth is Jesus Christ pure, holy and simple.  The Gospel is truth.  This truth is not and does not compromise.  Truth is authoritative and reliable.  Jesus is the truth.  If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you are in relationship with the Truth and should never depart from the absolute truth in Jesus to the relevant truth man wants to use to deny it.

Pilate asked the question that so many people in our confused and volatile world ask, ‘what is truth?’

The answer is Jesus!  Follower of Jesus be strong and courageous and stand in the absolute truth of Jesus and His Word.  That is where victory is found.
