What DO You Believe?

“As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, calling out, ‘Have mercy on us, Son of David!’  When He entered the house, the blind men approached Him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I can do this?’  They said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord.’  Then He touched their eyes, saying, ‘Let it be done for you according to your faith.’ And their eyes were opened.”

                                                          – Matthew 9:27-30a


While Jesus walked on this earth ushering in the Kingdom of God, He met a lot of people’s needs. The blind received their sight, the lame made to walk, those with leprosy were cleansed, the deaf made to hear, the dead were raised, and the poor were told the good news. The stories of how Jesus met these needs are found throughout the Gospels. We find the story of the two blind men in Matthew. Like many who had great need they called out to Jesus seeking to have the healing and restoring touch from the Son of David. When they called to Jesus and approached Him, Jesus asked them a question, “Do you believe that I can do this?”  I am not sure how much more conversation was done between Jesus and the blind men, their only request to this point was, “Have mercy on us.”  Matthew either intentionally left out part of the conversation or Jesus was aware of the two men’s blindness and their desire to see.  It is probably commentary on the fact that Jesus our Lord is much more acquainted with men’s lives and their needs than what we generally recognize.  Jesus simple question cuts to the core of the request and answer, “Do you believe?” This question is one that I feel we often answer from our head and not our heart.  We may respond intellectually or mentally I believe Jesus could heal cancer, could deliver from disease, could cure my malady.  But is my belief from a deep-seated conviction in my soul that cast all dependence on Jesus? The blind men’s simple response was “Yes, Lord.”  To call Jesus Lord acknowledged His control over their life as an authority even though a simple respectful response.  Jesus touched their eyes and made this statement, “Let it be done for you according to your faith.”  According to their faith, in other words, according to the depth of their belief that Jesus had the power and authority and would do, not could do, what they requested.  The question was not about Jesus power to do so, it was about their belief and trust in Jesus to do it.  Their faith, sincere and dire, was put in Jesus, and if He did not give them sight then they were going to blind for life.  It was about being made whole by the touch of the Master’s Hand, because He was their only hope.  The result was their eyes were opened.  They could see physically, and Jesus also opened their eyes spiritually, because you can’t have a life-changing encounter with Jesus and remain the same.  As we relate to our Lord Jesus and call on His name to answer  prayer or meet a need we have, do we have a “Yes, Lord” response to the question, “do you believe that Jesus can do it?”  The answer lies in what you believe.  What do you believe?
