going fishing

“Simon Peter, Thomas (called ‘Twin’), Nathaniel from Cana of Galilee,

Zebedees’s sons, and two others of His disciples were together.

“I’m going fishing,” Simon Peter said to them.

“We’re coming with you,” they told him.

They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.”

                                                                                                            – John 21:2-3

The disciples have experienced the death, burial and resurrection of their Master and Lord Jesus.  They have even seen Him a couple of times, yet there is so much uncertainty about what is happening and what they should be doing.  Jesus is alive, they believe, but different, and they’re not sure what that means to them.  They are in Galilee a familiar place for most of them present, they are supposed to meet Jesus here, but He has not come yet.  From our scripture we see that 7 of Jesus’ disciples are together and this is where Peter makes a decision, “I’m going fishing.”  Which sounds like a good idea since several of the disciples were fishermen before Jesus called them to follow Him.  I don’t think it was Peter’s thought, well Jesus isn’t here, and I could use a little down time or rest and relaxation, so I am going fishing.  I think it was more of an anxiousness on his part, it was uncertainty about what was taking place and fishing was something familiar to do.  Who knew, maybe it was what he would be doing again.  The rest of the group decided they would go with Peter.  Misery loves company they say, so all seven disciples got in a boat and went fishing.  The scripture tells us their night of fishing brought no catch of any fish.

Before we progress with their situation.  Let’s take a look at our own.  The corona virus has caused people to question all that is taking place in life.  Believers are included in the mix.  To control or diminish the spread of the disease we have closed our gathering together as the body of Christ.  We have experienced a shakeup of the norm we knew.  Now is the time to face a new challenge, what do we do next?  We can decide to go fishing, that is, trying to do what we were doing before.  However, like these disciples it may not be profitable or productive at all.

Jesus was not physically with them when they decided to go fishing, but after their long night of doing what they thought they should do Jesus invites them to fish with Him, His way, and then have breakfast with Him too.  The result was a huge catch of fish and fellowship with Jesus once more.

We may not know how things will work out as we move forward through all that is happening in the world.  But what we do know is that whatever the future will look like we desperately need Jesus in our midst.  We don’t see Him physically, but spiritually we need His presence in our hearts, His direction in our decisions, and His assurance that He has a plan for us.  If we keep our hope and trust in Him, we should be able to be productive in our fishing for men.
