dealing with disappointment

Something we have all dealt with at some time in our life, or are dealing with now, or will encounter in the future is disappointment.  It can be something like cancelling an activity because the weather gets bad, or it can be the results of a health concern or issue that is unexpected, or it could be a rejection letter for a job or a promotion on a job.  Sometimes maybe it is disappointment with spiritual aspirations of doing something good like a specific ministry or outreach that God does not permit.  These things are most difficult to deal with in my estimation.  We as a church cannot get a building completed, it is disappointing, we are not able to hold VBS this summer, it is disappointing, things like this and even desires to share the Gospel to friends and family and not have a positive response is disappointing.  How do we deal with these things, transparently and honesty before God our Father, who could enable anything to happen?

In 2 Samuel 7, King David is inspired to build a temple for God that shows His majesty and splendor.  He asked the question about why he should live in an elaborate palace and the Ark of the covenant of the Lord is in a tent?  Nathan the prophet initially said to do what King David sought to do, but the Lord spoke to Nathan after that and said to tell David that he would not build a house, but that God Himself would build a house through one of David’s descendants.  What a disappointment to David, to hear God say no.  How did King David respond, how did he deal with the disappointment?  King David went in and sat in the Lord’s presence (2 Samuel 7:18) and he prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord.  I encourage you right now to take your Bible and find 2 Samuel 7:18-28 and read David’s prayer of thanksgiving.  It is an incredible demonstration of submission to God’s rule and reign in and over David’s heart and life.  He expressed deep gratitude for God’s provision in his life, for what God had done for Israel, God’s chosen people, David affirmed his trust in God’s Word and promises.  David turned disappointment into thanksgiving, that is how he dealt with it.  That speaks volumes to me about how I am to deal with disappointment as I walk through each day.  Everyday does not have disappointment, some days are fantastic and filled with encouragement which easily turns to praise.  But the next you experience disappointment, find a place where you can go before the Lord and count your blessings from Him and turn that disappointment into thanksgiving!  
